Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Zippy, the deaf dog who knows sign language

He may be as deaf as a post, but that doesn’t stop this little pooch. Despite being born totally deaf, two-year-old Boston Terrier Zippy has proved animals with disabilities can be amazing too. Where others may have given up on Zippy, owner Vicky Tate, has spent two years training him, using her own arm and leg signals. Zippy even has his own special vibrating collar, which Vicky can set off when they are at the park.

Vicky, 65, said: “Because Zippy can’t hear a thing, he has to look at me all the time in order for me to signal to him. If he’s not looking at me, then he is very vulnerable. So if his collar goes off, he knows he has to look at me, then I can signal to him to do what I want. Zippy’s my best pal. I wouldn’t be without him for the world. I enjoy him so much – everybody does.”

Now, Zippy has become one of the top dogs at the Billericay Dog Training School, in Wash Road, Basildon, where Vicky has taken him since he was a pup. He passed the Kennel Club bronze, silver and gold awards for obedience with flying colours. “I’m so proud of him,” said Vicky.

Vicky has invented her own style of signals for Zippy. “I came up with signals that just felt natural for me to do,” she said. If she wants Zippy to sit down, Vicky points her finger to the floor and puts her leg out. If she wants him to stand, she puts her fist out then turns around with her back to him The order to stay involves Vicky putting her hand up towards Zippy.

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