The 6-foot-8, 575 pound man is being remembered as an energetic, creative, gentle giant. "Cynical people might think this (River's death) is funny," the restaurant's founder Jon Basso said. "But people who knew him are crying their eyes out. There is a lot of mourning going on around here. You couldn't have found a better person."

At the Heart Attack Grill, scantily-clad women dressed as nurses unabashedly serve its customers high-caloric food. The menu touts its 8,000-calorie quadruple bypass burger, “flatliner fries” fried in “pure lard,” a “butterfat shake,” and no-filter cigarettes. On the restaurant's website, River appears in a commercial that brags that if you're over 350 pounds, you eat for free. A sign in front of the building says, “Caution: This establishment is bad for your health,” and the restaurant's motto is “taste worth dying for.”
Basso said River—an Arizona state high school heavyweight wrestling champ -- was the creative genius behind the restaurant. "Even if he was skinny we would have given him the job," Basso said. "We would have just put a fat suit on him. He just had personality."
this years flu and colds were pretty rough
Welp, there's my inspiration to shed the weight.
*Puts on shoes, goes outside, jogs.*
Exercise is all but useless for losing weight.
A 250 pound man walking up twenty flights of stairs uses all of 20, yes, TWENTY calories. This is the about the number of calories in about 1/4 of one slice of brown bread.
Even Dr Oz of USA TV fame acknowledges that exercise does NOT contribute to weight loss.
If you want to see some fat men, go the finish line of any marathon and look at the guys who finish at around three hours (a pretty good time). Most of them will have "wheat bellies" (not beer bellies).
Most people gain weight from eating too many processed grain based carbohydrates (bread, pasta, cakes, cookies, etc).
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