Saturday, October 01, 2011

Thugs stabbed hedgehog so they could raid wildlife refuge

Cruel thugs stabbed a helpless hedgehog and then waited for a wildlife refuge to rescue it so they could break into their empty office and steal computers and cash worth £10,000.

The thieves phoned in reporting the stricken animal with a six inch knife in its back in Melnik, Czech Republic, and watched as the medical team left the Melnik Animal Rights Association refuge before forcing their way in.

When the team returned after an hour with a local vet, they found all their computers and cash gone and a note saying: "Hope the hedgehog is OK."

Refuge worker Jaroslav Vacek said: "It's a pretty sick thing to do and now all of our animals will suffer because of them. It's hard to imagine how low these people are."


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

well hopefully, because they robbed a place, it will be easier to catch the people who did it.

Anonymous said...

Hope the hedgehog made it. Really I do
But if those pieces of shit do get caught hopefully someone is still bitter enough to jam a knife in their back and break the handle. Get a job pussy's.

Anonymous said...

the hedgehog is kind of the least of thier worries they stole £10,000 worth of equipment

Anonymous said...

I was browsing the web today for pet hedgehogs to take my mind off a racist encounter with a construction worker today.

Amidst all the cute fuzzy picture, I see a knife buried into a hedgehog(WTH!). What kind of sick person...does this?! RIP Hedgehog

Anonymous said...

This is just sick...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe those heartless idiots stabbed a poor,helpless,innocent hedgehog for nothing.if they came to my house and tried to stab my hedgehog the knife they would have tried to do it with would be found in the back of their necks.

Anonymous said...

These people are sick

Anonymous said...

That pic made me cry. These people go to the special hell.

Anonymous said...

this is pure evil!
I was looking for some pictures of these adorable creatures for a project and saw this I hope whoever did this is stabbed in the back themselves I know its horrible to say that but seriously what they did was worse and im pretty sure they deserve it ! I HATE THEM R.I.P LIL HEDGEHOG X

Anonymous said...

This is a cruel thing to do to a hedgehog. I wouldn't know why these people would post a picture of this. RIP poor hedgehog.

Anonymous said...

What a cruel thing to do, much less an innocent animal that did nothing wrong. It might have been just a hedgehog but it is nonetheless cruel. Hedgehogs are dwindling in numbers, so this killing was a spit in mother nature's face. I hope these sick, sick people get a taste of their own medicine.

Anonymous said...

People that that could only hang out with their own kind, as no-one else would want to know em, let's hope they have a disagreement while in the kitchen...

Anonymous said...

I don't care about the computer I feel bad for a poor helpless hedgehog

Anonymous said...

I feel so bad for that hedgehog :(

Anonymous said...

I wanted to make a collage to put on facebook, and I see this, OMG

Anonymous said...

Disturbing. .. I mean prank call about the hedgehog and leave a photoshop image with Lord helmet saying Fooled You! that perhaps would have been at least seemingly clever and witty, but to actually go out of your way to do this for real to a little creature is just sick. Sick in the heart. Sick of mind... depraved! And then to mockingly say I hope the hedgehog is ok. Wraps it up in a box of disgusting and disturbing idiocy. Worse thing about it... guaranteed these losers are sitting back still laughing about the poor innocent creature. What douchebags!

Anonymous said...

the people who did his should have their eyes cut out and then stabbed the the face

Unknown said...

Aww poor hedgehog good thing that they care for the animal unlike those theives

Poper said...
