Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thieves broke into town hall and stole cockroach poison

Thieves smashed their way into a town hall in Greater Manchester and stole cockroach bait, police have said. They broke a window at Chadderton Town Hall and stole a locked container with 13 dispensers of Du Pont Advion Cockroach Gel inside.

The burglary happened between 09:00 GMT on 9 January and 07:50 the following day. Police said the gel was potentially toxic for humans if swallowed and could cause major skin irritation.

PC Craig Bowring said: "The gel these thieves have stolen can only be used for one legitimate purpose which is to tackle a cockroach problem, so for what reason they took it I do not know. However, it can be toxic to humans if ingested or swallowed and could cause a major skin irritation, so I want people - and the thieves themselves - to be very careful when handling this gel.

"If you are offered it from anyone other than a licensed seller, please do not accept it and call police immediately. And if anyone should find it, please do not attempt to open the dispensers but return them to your nearest police station or health centre."

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