Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Secretion from beaver bottoms can be a source of the taste of vanilla

The Swedish National Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket) has confirmed that anal secretions from the beaver, in the form of castoreum, can be used to provide a taste similar to vanilla in baked goods and sweets.

"Natural aromas can be extracts from plants, fungi, and in some cases animals. The labelling provisions do not require that the kind of flavour is indicated, with the exception of coffee and quinine," Ulla Beckman Sundh at the agency said.

Vanilla flavour, it has been established, is not only derived from the vanilla bean. It can also come from conifer trees, or indeed from the anal passage of a beaver. Beckman Sundh however questioned whether the beaver is likely to become a common a source of flavouring for baked goods, sweets, soft drinks and other items.

"As far as I know the beaver is not an animal which is bred, so supply is not that great," she said. The beaver population was wiped out in Sweden in the 19th century due to the popularity of castoreum which was then used in natural medicines. Following the import of animals from Norway in the 1920s, the population has grown to around 100,000.


BoS said...

"Two scoops of beaver bum, please".

Anonymous said...

How does one even get the inclination to test a beaver bum for flavor?

That aside, I've come up with about half a dozen beaver jokes already, none suitable for posting.



Candy said...

Who ate beaver poop to find this out??

Anonymous said...

Hell no. I'd give up baking before tasting beaver butt.

Miss Cellania said...

Is it that hard to grow vanilla beans?