The force is unable to find a supply of adapted ones and is seeking advice or assistance from any organisation which has dealt with a similar problem. Manufacturers approached will only take orders for expensive vast quantities.

The force said such a large amount would not be needed and would cost tens of thousands of pounds. The officer had to have his finger amputated after an injury on duty.
Deputy Chief Constable Iain Spittal said: "Disposable gloves are used across many industries including health, manufacturing and food preparation. It may be that there are people who have experience of commissioning adapted versions of gloves that will provide the barrier necessary."
Such a tempest in a teapot. All that's necessary is to invert the extra latex "finger" and place it on the palm or back of the hand while wearing the glove.
Couldn't they ask Disney where Mickey got his gloves?
That was exactly what I thought, Stan.
Heh heh, Lurker111.
How to get paid to stay at home!
There is a sub culture of compensation claims within the police force that is beginning to get so ridiculous that you could make a really excellent comedy out of it.
this is ridiculous
i have 4 fingers on my right hand(lost one almost 9 years ago) and i wear normal gloves of all kinds when ever i need to.. from work to cold to whatever
he doesn't need any special gloves.. just always fun to spend other people's money
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