They thought it might be an otter or a seal but as they got closer they saw it was the white cow stranded on Lackeen Blackwater, afraid to climb the rocks. David contacted local farmer Geoff Mahoney, who knew straight away the animal was not his. Local people started to gather, amazed the cow had managed to swim in such weather. Geoff said: “There was a high spring tide, there were big waves in the water, unsuitable for fishing at that time.”

Along with a crowd of others they cut back the undergrowth and attempted to pull Sirenia out but the cow seemed to be scared of the rocks. Instead they gave her some food and left her alone. They returned at around 4pm to find her up on the bank and eating ivy in the woods. David said: “She came out in her own time. She’s a beautiful animal.” Thanks to records it was found she belonged to farmer Timmy O’Sullivan, who lived across the bay in Tuosist.

David said: “Timmy just couldn’t account for her, he thought maybe she was taken.” The farmer, who had been frantically searching his side of the bay, was shaken when he realised how far his prize cow had travelled in the freezing water. But David said Sirenia, who is worth between €1,200 and €5,700, was calm despite her ordeal and was in good health. He added: “I think it’s a great story of survival. I think she’s a great hero.” Geoff explained: “When cows are weaned they quite often go looking for their calves – she might have heard my cows.”
There's a radio interview with David and Geoff here.
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