Juma was a controversial, yet prominent figure and an outspoken critic of the Kanyan government who was murdered last week in Nairobi. But when it came time to fly the body and the grieving family on to the next location, the pilot didn't realise Wanjala was still clinging to his helicopter.

It was only the noise of the crowd that made the pilot aware of the clinger-on. The pilot flew to an airstrip 2km away, where he got low enough for safely drop Wajala, who suffered serious leg and head injuries. Police said he was taken to hospital under police guard.
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He will be charged "once he recuperates for endangering his life and that of the pilot". Onlookers were in disbelief at what they saw. "He was showing us a unique style of mourning the fallen hero, but he went far by displaying his stupidity. That was dangerous," Siboe Siboe said.
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