Monday, July 10, 2006

Mental Asylum Escapee Surprises Man

A man was awoken from his morning slumber with a knock on the door to find a half naked and unshaven man carrying a knife who had a rather unusual request: A drink of water and a razor to shave with, the Al-Watan daily reported yesterday. Khaled Al-Otaibi’s legs turned to jelly as he spoke with the man who casually told him he had just escaped from a mental asylum and didn’t have time to put his clothes on or have a shave before escaping.

Finding himself in a catch-22 situation, Otaibi, invited him in on condition he put his knife away, to which the man obliged. As the man went into the bathroom, Otaibi rang the police who quickly arrived and took the escapee back to the asylum. As he left the house the man thanked Otaibi for his kindness and asked if he could keep the razor as a souvenir.

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