Sunday, August 06, 2006

Female judges to hear rape cases as India admits failures of legal system

Under a proposed new law in India, rape cases will only be allowed to be heard by a female judge. The radical measure is the latest in a recent series of initiatives to improve the country's poor record in prosecuting rapes.

Every 29 minutes in India a woman is raped. In Delhi, it is far the most common form of violent crime. Muggings and street crime are far rarer than in Western cities, and the streets are safe for a man to walk even late at night. For a woman it is a different story.

At the end of last year, there were 58,310 rape cases still waiting to go to trial. Even when they get there, rape cases have been among the most glaring failures of the Indian legal system.

The proposed law, which has to be put before parliament, will also allow the victim to have her lawyer with her during cross-examination. Until now, cross-examination in rape cases was held in camera to protect the victim's privacy - but she was not allowed to have her lawyer present.

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