Monday, October 09, 2006

Auf Wiedersehen, 'Vorsprung durch technik': jobless Germans may have to give up their Audis

Jobless Germans could be forced to surrender anything but the cheapest of cars to keep their benefit payments flowing, if a plan by conservative politicians goes ahead.

The latest bid to make drawing Germany's traditionally generous social benefits less attractive would see the long-term unemployed forced to shun high-end "Vorsprung Durch Technik" Audi convertibles, BMWs and Mercedes S Class cars for distinctly lesser models.

The Christian Democrat MPs' plans, leaked this week to a German news magazine, would put a limit of €10,000 (£6,750) on the value of cars owned by the unemployed - and restrict car ownership to one per (unemployed) household.

Anything ritzier would have to be sold.

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