Monday, October 09, 2006

Call centres are blamed for a rise in loose living among India's affluent new elite

Why does it take so long to get through to an Indian call centre? Because everyone is too busy chatting up their colleagues – and more – if the Catholic Church is to be believed.

The Church is so concerned by evidence that call centres are becoming dens of iniquity that it is offering week-long retreats and counselling, in the hope of turning staff away from a life of sin.

With employees who are young, usually single, and on starting salaries much higher than those of doctors or lawyers, India's booming call centre industry has been responsible for a social revolution.

"Women come to work with condoms in their handbags," said Alkesh Dua, a call centre worker in Noida, just outside New Delhi. "Everyone is doing it. You're together all night in this cool, hip atmosphere and you end up getting intimate."

The Church hopes to reverse the trend with the launch, in Bangalore, of a series of retreats and counselling sessions, before attempting to tackle the new promiscuity among the country's 1.3 million call centre and outsourcing workers throughout the country.

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