Wednesday, December 27, 2006

'Warning: Dangerous Cat - has attacked 13 people in the last six years'

So far, five postmen, one police officer, five paper boys, one takeaway driver and one construction worker have fallen victim to his violent streak.

Stalking them from afar Blackie, the giant one-and-a-half stone moggy, hisses and spits at his prey before leaping through the air with his claws fully extended.

As his latest victim received treatment for a series of painful scratches, Blackie's apologetic owner took drastic action usually reserved for vicious dogs.

At the door to Ann Hogben's home in Ramsgate, Kent, is a newly erected sign which simply reads: "Warning: Dangerous Cat - Has attacked 13 people in the last six years."

The turning point came in the last few weeks when Blackie attacked a postman as he pushed envelopes through her letter box. Unaware of what lurked behind the door his latest victim was left with a series of open wounds.

"I came home and Blackie was sitting there like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth, but I knew something was wrong because he had blood on his claws," said Miss Hogben, 48.

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