Sunday, January 28, 2007

Britain is the 37th best country in the world

Britain has only managed 37th in a league of the best places to live - making it worse than Panama, Mexico and Argentina.

The UK was marked down for its bad weather, poor transport, high cost of living and health service.

But we did score highly for our economy and our social freedoms.

Britain was trounced by many countries which have a similar climate, such as Holland, Denmark, Luxembourg and Germany, because they were seen to have a better health service and infrastructure.

France topped the 191-strong list as the nation with the best quality of life, followed by Australia, Holland, New Zealand and the US.

Italy - 8th in the survey - scored a perfect 100 for culture. Its climate, lower cost of living and transport service also bumping it up the rankings.

A lower cost of living and increased safety compared with previous years sent Panama (34th), Mexico (25th) and Argentina (10th) storming up the list.

Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan and Afghanistan were judged to be the five most dangerous places on earth.

Haiti was the most corrupt. The Pacific island of Nauru was ranked as the cheapest place to live.

With list of the top 50 countries to live in.

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