Sunday, January 28, 2007

German Truck Driver Wins €100,000 - and Gives Away €75,000

Proof that altruism does pay: A German truck driver has won €100,000 in a radio competition, by promising to throw three-quarters of it to strangers.

German truck driver Marco Hilgert, 49, was a bit short of cash, so he entered a radio competition to win €100,000 ($130,000). He won - by offering to plough €75,000 back into the local economy.

Marco Hilgert

He chose an unusual way to divest himself of the excess money. Instead of finding a charity, Hilgert donated €75,000 of his prize to the general public in Kaiserslautern on Friday by scattering it in the city's Stiftsplatz square.

With gallery of photos.

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