But, when 70-year-old Pete Turner hears the words, it reminds him of his latest weekend spent having it large it at his local nightclub.
When Britain's oldest raver slips on his trademark white gloves, he loves nothing better than throwing shapes to a pumping hardcore track.

His favourite club, Creation in Brighton, has even been dubbed 'Cremation' after he was awarded a lifetime pass. But you can keep your Engelbert Humperdinck – he will never take to a dancefloor unless the bassline is thumping.
Pete first started clubbing in the 1960s. He said: 'Things have changed a lot since then, especially the music. In my view, it has got better.'
During the 40 years he has been dancing, he has been vomited on, broken his ribs with a new move and spent 16 hours on a hospital trolley after too much time on the floor.
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