Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Man who gave boss a 'Benny Hill' slap on head unfairly sacked

A worker fired after giving his boss a Benny-Hill style slap on the head at a works night out to promote team building and bonding has won his unfair sacking claim and almost £2,000 compensation.

Derick Brown, 49, from Dundee, a team leader in the stores department of Tokheim UK, had been forewarned by customer services manager Robert Fraser not to give him a 'hard time' at the event.

Mr Brown and some workmates were watching a boxing match on TV in the bar. One of the contestants was bald, and the tribunal noted in that respect may have looked similar to Mr Fraser.

The contestant looked like a character from a Benny Hill comedy sketch, during which Benny Hill pats or slaps a bald man on the head.

Mr Brown suggested that he would give Mr Fraser "a Benny Hill" and he was encouraged to do so. He then returned to the table where Mr Fraser was sitting with his wife and patted or slapped him on the head from behind.

Mr Brown admitted he was intoxicated and at his disciplinary hearing he said it was a drunken prank, not an assault, but accepted his behaviour was totally unacceptable.

The tribunal found Mr Brown of 103 Balbeggie Street, Dundee was 75 per cent to blame for his conduct. He was awarded a total of £1,887 compensation.

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