Monday, June 04, 2007

Stiff opposition to farmer's plans for Viagra oysters

An Australian oyster farmer has been feeding his crop Viagra to make the ultimate aphrodisiac - but now the drug's maker is threatening to take him to court.

George May began lacing his oysters with the anti-impotence drug in a bid to sell them to overseas customers.

Marketing them as Viagra Oysters, he says the process not only boosts the aphrodisiac qualities of the shellfish but there is also a potential Asian market of up to $300 million.

Viagra oysters

Food Safety NSW says Mr May's conduct is illegal and breaches the NSW shellfish program under the food act.

Pfizer has also threatened to take legal action because Viagra Oysters is a trademark violation.

Mr May, who has patented the process, is adamant he will continue harvesting the oysters and transferring them to tanks full of crushed Viagra because there is an overseas market.

There's a news video here.

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