Tuesday, April 07, 2009

British soldiers in Iraq are worried about their camp mascot Sandbag when they leave

British soldiers at a military base in Iraq have a major concern about leaving the country at the end of the month - the fate of their camp mascot. Rumour has it that Sandbag the dog has survived being shot five times.

But the soldiers are worried he will be put down by local Iraqis or killed by other dogs when they return home to Britain. Sandbag protects the men of B Squadron of the Queen's Royal Hussars from stray dogs around their base at the southern port of Umm Qasr.

A true military dog, he loves helicopters and often follows the troops out on patrol. He also bears scars from numerous scraps with other dogs and - according to base legend - several bullet wounds.

Captain Guy Myram, the squadron's second in command, said: "Apparently anyone in combats is his master - although he doesn't warm to the Americans so much because they're not wearing the same as us." Another soldier said: "He's very loyal to the troops - if you get mobbed by other dogs, he will literally fight every single one of them. He's a Tyson among the pups."

Sandbag was born in North Port in Umm Qasr two years ago and quickly endeared himself to the British troops stationed there. They have had him vaccinated, given him a collar, and let him in and out of the camp whenever he wants.

The soldiers are now trying to make sure he is looked after when they hand over the to the Americans at the end of this month. They have talked about taking him back to Britain, but discovered it would cost several thousand pounds to put him in quarantine.

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