Friday, July 03, 2009

Car crashes into swimming pool

Three young triplets had a narrow escape when a suspected drunk driver crashed a speeding car into a swimming pool in Perth, Australia, near where they were sleeping.

The driver - who has been charged with driving under the influence and dangerous driving - crashed through the home's back fence before careering into the pool.

Home owner Don Robins said he was awoken by an "almighty crash" and went outside to investigate, only to find the submerged car.

He said his young triplet grandchildren were lucky the car did not crash into the house as they were sleeping in the room closest to the pool.

Witnesses said the driver took the time to grab his wallet, phone and iPod while the car was still floating, but as the water flowed in he could not open his door.

Neighbours then heaved the car's passenger door open to rescue the 29-year-old who escaped unhurt.

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