Monday, August 10, 2009

Unborn baby gives two-fingered salute

Here's a child with attitude - and he has not even been born yet. Mum-to-be Kelly Winder went for an ultrasound scan and got a shock when the foetus gave her a two-fingered salute from the womb.

Kelly, 30, said: "I was laughing my head off. I couldn't believe it - though he'd been moving around a lot."

Her partner, Owen Skeffington, 34, said: "I was shocked. It happened in a split second.

"I turned to the the sonographer and said, 'Did you get that?'. Luckily she had. She said she'd never seen anything like it before and wanted to put the picture on their wall.

"He's scratching his head with the other hand. It's unbelievable."

The couple, from Preston, Lancs, already have two-year-old twins Niamh and Erin.