Monday, August 10, 2009

Wife cleared of GBH after attacking husband with pick-axe

A wife accused of luring her husband to their bedroom for a sex game and then attacking him with a pick-axe has been acquitted.

Sarah Duncombe whispered "yes" as a jury at Nottingham Crown Court returned unanimous not guilty verdicts on a charge of grievous bodily harm with intent and the alternative of grievous bodily harm.

Mrs Duncombe, 32, a part-time magistrates' court administrator and PA, denied she had wanted to tie up her husband and eat fruit from him as part of a sexual fantasy.

Mrs Duncombe, of Oakfield Road, Fernwood, told the court her body builder husband Simon had struck her with what appeared to be a stick as she lay on their bed.

She claimed she thought her husband was going to strangle her and managed to pick up a large metal pick-axe and hit him in self defence. Mr Duncombe suffered cuts and broken teeth.

The pick-axe will remain in the police's property until Mr Duncombe makes an application to get it back.

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