After receiving a school report praising her for how well she was coping with her prosthetic leg, Devon and her mother were shattered to learn the Government had used the report to stop the disability living allowance she relies on.
Devon's mother Joanna said losing the grant - nearly £400 a month - means Devon can no longer afford the use of a car that is specially adapted so she can get to school without always having to remove her prosthetic limb.

Miss Taverner, 32, of Stanmore, North-West London, said: 'It is absolutely disgusting. Part of the allowance goes to a car that is big enough to get Devon in with her prosthetic leg on, but the car will be taken away in a few weeks. 'I don't work as I have to look after Devon. She has to constantly go back for hospital appointments, so it would be impossible for me to work as well.
'We depend on that allowance and the car to take her to school and hospital appointments. By taking it away, the Government will be leaving a little girl with half a leg to try to hobble to the bus stop. It really is appalling.
The Department for Work and Pensions Disability and Carers Service said: 'This decision was based on a school report which said she was doing really well at school and is capable of doing certain things. 'Her mother is upset and she has the option to appeal, and we will wait for her to do so.'
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