Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Surgeons offer eyesight tailored to an individual’s life and career

There are sportswear firms offering bespoke trainers and funeral companies that sell personalised coffins, but this latest extension of Savile Row principles may shock even the staunchest devotees of mass customisation.

Laser eye surgeons are now offering tailor-made corneas. Two decades after the first laser eye treatment in Britain, in November 1989, the quest for perfect vision has been replaced, in many cases, by eyesight tailored to an individual’s life and career.

Would sir like night vision? Does he require the eyes of a hawk? Or one eye customised to see into the distance, the other for reading? Such questions are now the stuff of client consultations in leading eye clinics.

Now one of the three most common surgical treatments in Britain, an estimated 100,000 people undergo the procedure each year, about 20 million have had it worldwide, and an increasing number have their corneas tailored to meet specific demands.

Full story here.

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