Sunday, April 11, 2010

Message in bottle after returned 23 years

A message in a bottle that was released from Port Everglades in 1987 arrived back in South Florida via France this week. Judy Kissel, an employee of the Soref Jewish Community Center in Plantation, displayed the 23-year-old, age-stained note on Thursday.

How the message got to France is something Kissel described as amazing. It started in 1987, with a summer camp field trip. Kissel was a counsellor with the Soref Jewish Community Center in Plantation at the time. "We had our kids put notes in bottles, which we released in Port Everlgades," she said.

The messages simply said hello and asked for correspondence. The message took eight years to travel thousands of miles across the Atlantic to the coast of France. Along with the original message and that new letter, the sender also included a map showing where it was found.

"The letter says, 'In May of 1995, I found this on the beach," Kissel read from the note, which is written in French. "It means a lot that somebody took the time after all of these years to follow through on a campers' project from 1987," said Kissel, who still works at the community center. It wasn't clear why it took more than 12 years for him to send a reply.

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