Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mother finds 'substance' in can of spaghetti

A mother got quite a surprise when she opened a can of spaghetti to serve to her daughter for lunch last week. Jennifer Aker says when she opened the can she saw something inside that wasn't right.

"I opened it up and my face was very close to it and immediately you could tell there was a dead rodent on top, in fact you couldn't even see the spaghetti and meatballs at all."

Aker ran outside to show what she found in the can to her mother Nancy. "We just feel so shocked, I mean, I've lived a long time and never had anything like this happen – and we don't want this to happen to anybody else – and how could this happen is the question," said Nancy Aker.

Jennifer called the manufacturer of the spaghetti and meatballs, ConAgra foods. Aker says the company asked for a still picture of what she found. She says her nephew Daniel went one step further and shot a video to put on YouTube to better depict what they found.

ConAgra asked the Akers to freeze the spaghetti and unknown substance. The Akers say ConAgra is to send a courier to pick up the product and conduct tests to determine what it is.

"I'm not looking for money, I'm just looking to let people be aware of this. It's just really gross," said Jennifer Aker.

With news video. Update: The YouTube video I posted earlier, that was then removed, is now available here.


arbroath said...

Not a mouse, but definitely mold.

arbroath said...

The video is down now...

arbroath said...

Thanks for letting me know.

You can see it at the news link.

arbroath said...

Looks a lot more rodent-like in the video.

Very gross; glad I don't eat that stuff. That said, based on the news report,  I think ConAgra is doing a pretty good job of damage-control/PR, considering.

arbroath said...

How hard is it to cook non-canned pasta?

arbroath said...

It's mold. I have seen moldy chef boyardee before.
The can was just not properly sealed or the seal was broken while in store.