Sunday, April 25, 2010

Workers find runaway teen who secretly lived in bedding store for days

A 15-year-old runaway Roseville teen who spent four nights inside a Bed, Bath and Beyond store is undergoing psychiatric exams at a juvenile detention centre. The teen was charged on Friday with larceny and one count of home truancy.

His adopted mother refused to post a personal bond because she said she feared the teen would run away again - for the seventh time.

Investigators said the boy ran away from home on Sunday and walked into the store near Gratiot Avenue and 13 Mile Road just before closing. He went undetected for four nights as employees locked up the store for the night.

Police said the boy found a blanket from a shelf to stay warm and then took shelter under a riser. They said the boy would eat peanuts and food he found on the store's shelf and go to the bathroom in a pop bottle.

With news video.


arbroath said...

Never mind giving him psychiatric exams.  If he's run away seven times, shouldn't they be looking at his mother?  Something is obviously not right in that household.

arbroath said...

I know a woman who ran away from home repeatedly as a child because the conditions were horrendous - no food, no space, no clean clothes or bedding, abusive parents. They really need to look into this household.

hfftfty said...

With the right plants, you'll only have around 1 hour of weekly upkeep for your small garden.

hfftfty said...

Look for plants that grow well in your area and are small enough to fit in your garden when they reach their full size.