A member of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the Saudi religious police known locally as the Hai’a, asked the couple to confirm their identities and relationship to one another, as it is a crime in Saudi Arabia for unmarried men and women to mix. For unknown reasons, the young man collapsed upon being questioned by the cop. The woman then allegedly laid into the religious policeman, punching him repeatedly, and leaving him to be taken to the hospital with bruises across his body and face.

“To see resistance from a woman means a lot,” Wajiha Al-Huwaidar, a Saudi women’s rights activist, said. “People are fed up with these religious police, and now they have to pay the price for the humiliation they put people through for years and years. This is just the beginning and there will be more resistance. The media and the Internet have given people a lot of power and the freedom to express their anger,” she said. “The Hai’a are like a militia, but now whenever they do something it’s all over the Internet. This gives them a horrible reputation and gives people power to react.”
Neither the religious police nor the Eastern Province police has made a statement on the incident, and both the names of the couple and the date of the incident have not been made public. Should the woman be charged, she could face a lengthy prison term and lashings for assaulting a representative of a government institution. Saudi law does not permit women to be in public spaces without a male guardian. Women are not allowed to drive, inherit, divorce or gain custody of children, and cannot socialize with unrelated men.
I'm not a fan of beating people up but I applaud her sticking up for herself in the face of idiocy. I certainly hope this won't cause a crackdown and worse behavior from the religious police...
Im surprised the police reported it, im sure being beaten by a women in saudi arabia isnt most manly thing :P
Hurrah for her!!! But I'm scared of what they'll do to her now that she's charged with beating an officer and socializing with a man. Hopefully she's ok :(
Good for her. The rights women have lost in that country are tragic. Personally, I'd like to see this catch on...after all, if a woman is veiled head to toe (by order) who could identify her? Women just have to learn to wear track shoes under their veils.
If all the women rebelled, they could change their society.
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