There the Munich student pulled down his Bermuda shorts, mooning a group of bikers before throwing a puppy at them. Then the man fled the scene, stopping at an autobahn construction site to steal a front loader, which he attempted to drive to Munich.

But his slow pace caused a 5-kilometre traffic jam. After making it just one kilometre along the highway, the 26-year-old hitched a ride with a truck, which let him off in Eching, not far from Munich.
Police lost track of him for a while there, but they quickly located him again, finding out that he had neglected to take his medication for depression. He was checked into a psychiatric clinic for treatment. Meanwhile the puppy he tossed at the bikers is being cared for by a Freising animal shelter.
He needs a better diagnosis. Everyone with a brain realises depression doesn't make you throw puppies at Hell's Angels.
WTF? People actually throw puppies? I thought the internet made invented "throwing puppies" as a way to call someone's behavior batshiat crazy... oh dang, I'm late. I was supposed to be down at the river drowning kittens this morning. gtg, ttyl!
No kidding.
This story is something for a somewhat bad comedian-sketch on tv...
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