Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Israeli soldiers dancing in the streets of Hebron

This was filmed on Casbah Street in the Jewish section of Hebron.

It seems the soldiers from Nahal Brigade's 50th Airborne Battalion are probably now in some trouble.

There's an alternative link to the video here.


Mark said...

Dear oh dear.  I'm sure they need to let off steam as it's only natural, but they literally let their guard down whilst doing so - they're sitting ducks dancing in the middle of the road like that.

no said...

US Soldiers dance better :)

Anonymous said...

Mark, Note: "This was filmed on Casbah Street in the <span>Jewish</span> section of Hebron" ...

Anonymous said...

That's because Israeli soldiers spend more time training to actually fight than US soldiers...

Ratz said...

You can tell these aren't American soldiers as there isn't a single incident of friendly fire.  As grandad said: "When the Germans shot, the allies ducked, when the allies shot the Germans ducked, when the American shot.. everyone ducked." :)

L said...

Yeah...  Because dancing in a war zone is so respectful.  :-P

0ldfinger said...

I hope they fight as badly as they dance.

Foreigner1 said...

:-D   :-D   :-D  Lolrofl!

2ldmoe said...


cath said...

So, nothing's changed then. We Canadians should've consulted your granddad before going to Afghanistan with them... =-O