Saturday, September 25, 2010

Unseen photographs of real ‘Withnail’ emerge

An author has uncovered a series of previously unseen photographs of the struggling actor who inspired the main character in the cult film ‘Withnail and I’. Colin Bacon, 60, has unearthed new images of Vivian Mackerrell – the real-life thespian who was the inspiration behind the eponymous character.

Vivian, a jobless actor, was a notorious eccentric, drinker and drug taker who once shared a London home with Withnail writer and director Bruce Robinson. Robinson later immortalised his antics in the 1987 film with Richard E Grant playing the title role.

Born in May 1945, Vivian landed several roles in theatre and television as a young actor, including the junior lead in the play Hadrian VII at the Mermaid Theatre in London. But then his life began to fall apart as he descended into frustration, shattered dreams and chronic alcoholism.

Vivian eventually died of throat cancer aged 51 which Robinson attributed to his consumption of lighter fluid, portrayed in a notorious scene from Withnail and I. His final words before he died were: ”Give me a f*cking pre-med you f*ckers, I’m a personal friend of Sir Lancelot Spratt.”

With more photos.

1 comment:

Wall-O-Withnail said...

If you're interested, come check out the collection of vintage items seen in the film "Withnail & I" at

Ice in the cider!