Friday, April 08, 2011

13-year-old boy gives up talking for Lent

One Missouri teenager has been very quiet since the beginning of March. He gave up talking for Lent. Decklan Conway, of Seneca, has taken a vow of silence.

Since Lent began on March 9, the 13-year-old has relied on a dry-erase board and markers to communicate with others. This includes school teachers, parents and friends. Decklan’s brother Kyle was planning to take the oath with him, but a scheduled science fair and speech and debate forced him to back out.

YouTube link.

Some of Decklan’s teachers said they were worried it would be a distraction in class, but his grades have actually improved. “It was a big deal the first day," Math teacher Dawn Pickering said, "and then after that it really hasn’t been a distraction at all.”

Decklan said he didn’t take the vow of silence for media attention or popularity. He gave up talking because he believes in God. “I lost some friends because I couldn’t talk. I don’t really care because I’m doing it for a greater purpose,” Decklan wrote.


monkey_town said...

Interesting. I read about a kid his age a few years back that took a vow of silence just so he could listen to the world for a while. He actually gained friends.

L said...

I've never understood the purpose of Lent. Why does inconveniencing yourself (or making yourself downright miserable, in some of the cases I've heard about) make God happy? Or is it just a godly power trip? "Look at what I can make those silly humans do in my name!"