Lisa Powers got the pygmy goat for her grandson on Friday. It was tied up outside their house when she went to bed. But, her nephew got a call in the middle of the night that the goat was inside Thompson’s home along Greenview Road outside South Charleston. Kanawha County Sheriff's deputies say Thompson took the goat to his house and killed it. The goat was bleeding from the neck, according to investigators.

When witnesses went inside Thompson’s home, they say in addition to the dead goat, they saw Thompson standing there in women's underwear. Deputies say they found a pornographic photo a few feet from the goat. When confronted about what was going on, deputies say Thompson initially ran off into the woods but eventually came back. Deputies say Thompson didn't tell them much, other than to say he'd been high on bath salts for three days.
Charleston Police Detective Sean Snuffer says in the cases his department has worked related to bath salts, people on them "talk crazy, and they do things that are out of their mind, but nothing this bizarre." Deputies say the goat had a stab wound, but its body is being analyzed to see if anything else was done to it. There were also some cats inside the home. Deputies say they didn't appear to have anything wrong with them, but humane officers took them from the home. Thompson faces a felony animal cruelty charge. He's in jail on a $50,000 bond.
With news video.
You can get high on bath salts?
It's a drug, L.
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