Friday, June 17, 2011

What happened to paragraph 11?

There's what sounds like an interesting court case in Fairfax County Circuit Court, Washington, next week. Among the allegations in the lawsuit are:

Paragraph 10. “At the time of the collision, Defendant was going 85 miles per hour.”

Paragraph 12. “At the time of the collision, Defendant was having sex with a female.”

Paragraph13. “At the time of the collision, Defendant was driving admittedly drunk.”

Paragraph 14. “At the time of the accident, Defendant was partially or totally in the backseat of the car.”

The 21-year-old defendant was convicted in May 2010 of drunken driving in Fairfax District Court. Despite that, he now denies driving. The woman involved has been dismissed from the case. There was also a third person in the car, and he also denies driving.

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