Power firm Scottish and Southern Energy agreed the warnings could cause distress - but said they were bound by health and safety rules to put them up. The yellow signs have been pinned to the power cable pole in the middle of the graveyard. They warn: "Danger of death - keep off." To further illustrate the point, they show a silhouette of a corpse being electrocuted.

Msp Rob Gibson said: "It really is utterly ridiculous and insensitive. SSE need to redesign signs for such sensitive sites. People can get the message of the dangers of electricity without such a blatant sign and image in a cemetery."
Councillor Linda Munro called for the signs to be removed. She said: "They are insensitive and some people will find them distressing. I would call for them to be taken down. Some people will see the lighter side but this is bureaucracy gone mad. They could particularly upset the bereaved at the graveside."
Given that this is the standard approved sign for all high voltage installations, there's unlikely to be anybody attending a funeral who has not seen such a sign before.
My feeling is that it's as likely to give a mourner a smile.
Earlier in the year, just after my mother died, I photographed this, it made me laugh. : http://gritinthegears.blogspot.com/2011/04/graveyard-humour.html
I'm pretty certain the permanent residents don't care one way or the other. As to whether the signs bother a bunch of still-living, oversensitive ninnies... WGAF?
its not a corpse being electocuted corpses arent stupid enoug to grab and climb power poles
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