Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Christian cafe 'warned over homophobic Bible verses'

The owner of a Christian cafe in Blackpool was warned by police that Bible verses shown on a TV screen breached public order laws. Jamie Murray, who runs the Salt and Light cafe in Layton, said he was told there had been a complaint about "homophobic material". He said: "I was not told what the offending words were." Lancashire Police said it had to act on complaints but apologised for the misinterpretation of public order law.

Mr Murray said two police officers visited him last week and told him Bible verses on display in his cafe breached Section Five of the Public Order Act. "I was quite incredulous at the way they treated me," he said. "There was very little respect and they were quite aggressive." Mr Murray stated: "I did say to the police, 'are you seriously telling me I could be arrested for playing the Bible quietly on a screen?'.

Photo from here.

"I was told, 'it's offensive and homophobic material we are against'." Mr Murray said he thought the verses that might have prompted the visit were from Romans chapter one, verses 26-27, which use the terms "against nature" and "indecent acts". He said he asked the officers if he could play Bible verses which did not refer to homosexuality.

He said the officers replied they would be looking at anything that people could find offensive or insulting. He added: "I was just incredulous because as we all know the list of things that we find offensive is massive and varied and we don't expect the police to get involved." Lancashire Police denied that its officers told Mr Murray to remove any materials. A force statement added: "It appears that the officer has misinterpreted the Public Order Act and we have apologised to the cafe owner for any distress we may have caused."


Insolitus said...

As long as the standards for offensive material are the same for both religious and non-religious stuff, I don't have a problem.

Anonymous said...

The problem with allowing flat-foots to interpret the law is that they invariably think they're smarter and better-informed than is the case. It usually results in stupidity such as this.

WilliamRocket said...

I dont understand...this cafe owner believes in fairies, (sorry I mean angels), people that come back from the dead and a person (probably an alien) that walks on water and can cure leprosy with his little finger....yet he doesnt believe that same sex people having oral sex is normal !
Ha ! I dont get into it myself, but if I thought everything I didnt do or believe in should be deemed wrong, well, bible believers would be the first up against the wall....unless they were cute.
The bible was written 2 thousand years ago by many different people who based everything on things they had heard other people say over the neighbours cousins friends boyfriends employers wifes friend told her that that long haired jewish guy made a cup of water turn to, its true I tell you ! ...yeah yeah she is not a bullshitter.
I put more faith in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.
The ten commandments are not too bad though.
Some of the Islamic rules are a bit over the top...women cant drive cars or show their faces ??? Yeah, religious belief....give me a break !
Oops, have to go, just been struck by lightning !!!

Anonymous said...

same as the restaurants where they ban babies, don't like it don't go there.