Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Dog sets new world record for longest ears

Harbor the hound has earned himself a Guinness World Record for having the longest ears of any living dog. The black and tan Coonhound lives in Boulder, Colorado, in the US, and at first his giant ears caused quite the headache as a small puppy.

Harbor's owner Jenifer Wert said he would often trip over his floppy ears and slide down the family home stairs. Now eight years old and fully grown, Harbour is able to walk around without much fuss - except when he goes for a walk in the park.

'Cars will literally stop in the street to take a closer look and get a picture,' exclaimed Jenifer. When measured by officials Harbor's ears were 12.25 inches (31.1 cm) for the left ear and 13.5 inches (34.3 cm) for the right.

YouTube link.

The extra-long ears displayed on most hounds, particularly the Coonhound, are used not for hearing but primarily for smell. Harbor uses his ears close to the ground to sweep odours up into his nose.

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