Thursday, September 29, 2011

Little dog brings traffic to a standstill as it goes for a jog down motorway

A little dog and a big traffic problem. It was all caught on camera in Portland, Oregon.

Mango's big adventure started on I-84. Traffic comes to a halt as she contemplates hopping into an SUV, backs out, then zips around another car, weaving across the freeway and people jump out to help including Mango's owner Dan Dowdy who, with a blanket in hand, tries to grab her but face plants hard instead. He says, "So many people picked me up try to catch her, a lot of people seen it my famous touch down drive that blew it."

Mango finally exited I-84 and sprints towards Madison High School. That's where Katu photographer Sean Broderick tracks the runaway while Mango takes a breather. He says, "I think it's kind of funny little tiny dog."

YouTube link.

But his pooch's practical joke isn't over just yet. Dan is a bit frazzled. He shows up and tries to coax her, but its clear Mango only wants Mama. So off she goes again with Broderick hot on her tail. He finds her hiding behind the high school just as animal control shows up. So does Linda Dowdy. And Mango's journey ends with a sweet reunion.

With news video.

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