Officers used stingers along the highway to disable two of Holdsworth's tyres and she was forced to pull over on the side of the road a short time later. When they approached her vehicle, the nearly-naked woman got out and staggered across the road before she was handcuffed.
She has been charged with operating a vehicle impaired (OVI), refusing a blood alcohol test, fleeing and eluding, criminal damage, driving under a suspended licence, speeding and reckless operation at Chardon Municipal Court.
Video link.
Chief Jon Bokovitz, of the Bainbridge Police Department, said Holdsworth was taken to a Geauga County Safety Center after her arrest on October 11, before she was released pending the charges. She is due to reappear in court on November 2.
she has quite a blurry body
She was wearing running shoes - sneakers - NOT high heels.
I banged her back in the day lol. No joke lol.
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