Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Nine pigs heads found in street may have been used for initiation

Nine severed animal heads have been found lined up on a Teesside pavement. The skinned heads, which still had their eyes and teeth, are believed to be pig heads. They were found by roofing contractor Mark Waters when he arrived at work.

He alerted police to the bizarre scene at King Edward’s Road, just behind Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough. Mark, 36, from Linthorpe, said: “When I pulled up in my van I saw these heads. I thought they were dogs heads at first.

“It was a bit strange - you don’t normally see anything like that. It’s quite a busy road and not good for the shops or businesses.” It is not yet known where the animal heads came from or who placed them there. But one 19-year-old student who lives close by said: “There have been a lot of initiations into sports clubs recently so maybe it was something to do with that.”

Police attended the scene after receiving calls about the gruesome scene. A police spokeswoman said the matter was now being handled by Environmental Health. Two workers from Middlesbrough Council’s Area Care team cleared away the heads and placed them into plastic bags. They have now been passed on to Environmental Health to investigate.

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