Ross, who was with his girlfriend Karen and a friend, said: "I bit into the wrap, but couldn't chew through it. I excused myself and got it out of my mouth. There was a whole frog there. It was still alive. I felt really ill." Ross, 32, was so angry at the chain's outlet in Victoria, central London, that he took a mobile photo and insisted on taking the evidence home in a plastic tub.

He later realised that the frog — by now dead — had been left with only three limbs. Disgusted Ross, of Crawley, West Sussex, added: "I think I might have eaten one. The thought of chewing on it keeps me awake at night." Staff recorded his ordeal on a complaint form and he was given a £44 refund. But Ross said: "I don't understand how anyone can put a wrap together and not see a frog. I'm livid. I won't eat at Nando's again."
Nando's said it was taking the incident extremely seriously and insisted: "We take great care over the quality of our food." It said the "only possible" way the frog could have got into the wrap was in its pre-packed salad leaves, which are provided by a supplier washed and ready to get. A spokesman added: "Unfortunately as Mr Dance refuses to give us the foreign object, we are unable to fully understand where it came from to reach a final conclusion."
Was it crunchy?
"I don't understand how anyone can put a wrap together and not see a frog"
And I don't understand how anybody could pick up a wrap and not notice a live frog wriggling about in it. Frogs are not known for sitting quietly.
Frogs are not known for sitting quietly? I have seen many frogs that were quite good at sitting quietly.
And do you think the same frog would sit quietly if you stuffed in in a wrap. Of course it wouldn't, it would try to escape.
You must have somehow misunderstood me, Gareth. I just pointed out that contrary to what you claimed, frogs are actually good at sitting quietly. I didn't say they would do so when grabbed and squeezed.
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