The kitten is seen being put on to the bed — which she gingerly begins to walk across. Wary of the yellow Burmese python half-hidden under a pillow, the kitten keeps her distance — so the man deliberately distracts her until she turns her back on the lurking menace. Then the python pounces, instantly coiling around the cat in a death grip.
Once the kitten's tail stops flapping the snake swallows her whole — head first. The crushed kitten's cries of agony as the life is squeezed out of her are drowned out by the strains of Christmas song Little Drummer Boy. An RSPCA spokeswoman said: "There is no excuse for feeding a live cat to a python."
Contains graphic images and NSFW language. The actual video now appears to have been eradicated from the internet.
YouTube link.
Vet Pete Wedderburn said: "The kitten is probably no older than four months. It has no hiding place and can't get away. These are the actions of a sadistic human being." The man faces six months' jail and a £20,000 fine for causing unnecessary suffering under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
Disturbing article. There is the point that if someone feeds a rat or a mouse it is the same as all life should have the same respect.
That said I think because of the cats place in society I have to assume it was done as some sort of retaliation or a cry for attention that has disturbing undertones.
I've fed baby mice to my snake, and in general terms there isn't much difference in the technical terms of life and value. A snake has got to eat, and the cries of death from one animal is no different from another.
At the time, my snake was too small to eat anything else, whereas this albino Burmese Python would barely consider the kitten an appetizer; it is of the size that requires rabbits or guinea pigs; this was done for shock value alone.
I don't like the mewling, selfish bastards much, but I wouldn't feed a kitten to a snake. An adult maybe, if it had a habit of shitting in my flower beds and pissing on my windows, but not a kitten.
This prick though, this is someone who needs to be watched.
This is yet more evidence that humans should not be allowed to own any exotic animals as pets. Especially in the case of snakes, because humans are required to feed them live prey. I'm sorry to say this has likely been going on for some time. Disgusting humans do this sort of crap. The other two commenters who claim there is no difference in the value of a life for a life, regardless of form, make an excellent argument for feeding the kitten killer as the snake's next meal. I'm glad the video is removed, I don't watch snuff films.
You don't need to feed them live prey. My (adult) step-daughter has a python and feeds it fresh-frozen mice (Grumpy is still a juvenile) which she thaws and shakes in front of him. If this is the only kind of feeding you do, from birth, they take to it just fine.
The major reason this is wrong...the kitten had a name. That makes it much crueler somehow.
Anonymous has no idea how real life works...
I like this site because it usually makes me laugh or shake my head. These kinds of articles cross the line and make me not like so much.
There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. You will be caught. There are a lot of people who see cats and dogs as family members and to them and me as well you just committed murder. I wonder if this is the fist time you did this??? Your days are numbered. TRUST!
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