Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sneaky squirrel set off school's fire alarm

When a false fire alarm went off in a Manatee County school last year, officials thought a student may have been responsible. Instead, it turned out to be a squatter, of sorts.

A squirrel had taken up residence in the school kitchen at Blackburn Elementary where the alarm had been triggered. By reviewing school security cameras, maintenance staff found that the squirrel had climbed up a wall and pulled the alarm.

YouTube link.

The video even shows the sneaky squirrel appearing to look around before it pulls the lever to trip the alarm. School officials say they were glad to find the video: they had to show it to the fire department to avoid a fine for a false alarm.

"We didn’t have to pay any fines for a false alarm once the fire department realized the little guy was the culprit," according to Todd Henson, director of maintenance and operations for Manatee County Schools. The squirrel was eventually trapped and let go. "It's really hard to fine a squirrel, so he got a stern lecture and was released outside," Henson joked.

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