"When we were cleaning him up we actually found the burnt wick from the firecracker. I have never seen anything this nasty. Alvin is so trusting. He would have trusted the person that did this to him, that's what makes my blood boil." Robyn Mostyn from Northern Rivers Animal Services said Alvin was found in the residential area behind Ballina Fair in a very poor condition. "This was all caused by some heartless, sick person placed a firecracker in Alvin's bottom and lit it," she said.
"He's now getting the best of care and so far all of his needs have been covered by Racecourse Road Veterinary Hospital. Northern Rivers Animal Services is now asking for donations to Alvin's Fund to help get this little boy better. We can't give up on him now, not after he has fought through the worst of it." Ms Beardsworth agreed, saying that the 14-week-old kitten had remained "stoic", despite being in serious pain. "We have all fallen in love with him," she said. "He was even purring when he was brought into the clinic."
At first it was not known whether Alvin would survive his ordeal. He was taken to a specialist at the Gold Coast, who said the kitten was a candidate for a particular treatment but it will need repeating every fortnight. "Things are looking really positive," Ms Beardsworth said. "But because there is the potential for a lot of complications in the future, he won't be able to be adopted out. So we'll keep him as our clinic cat. He fits in really well. Within the first few days he was cuddling up with Charlotte, a 14-year-old dog who had also been brought in." The incident has been reported to the police and the RSPCA.
Everyday, I hate humans more.
find the buggers who did it and put a fire cracker up their bum and light it!!
My dear friend Dr Willa Harrison (at Racecourse Rd Veterinary Hospital in Ballina NSW) is the wonderful vet who rescued the kitten, operated on it several times, and (together with her wonderful team)took care of him day and night. The cat will require a lifetime of care and will most likely remain in the clinic for the rest of his life. And all at the clinic's own cost. Willa's a heroine. I bet they would appreciate some donations!
The simple solution would be to make it eye-for-an-eye when it comes to animal cruelty. this would be the quickest way to discourage such trash of human beings from doing these things.
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