A redacted copy of the letter was recently circulated among officers of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the union that represents the SSA worker. The SSA worker is pictured with his wife in the photo below, which apparently was taken at an amusement park. The employee is a claims authorizer at the SSA center that handles disability cases for the entire country. According to the letter of reprimand which is the least severe administrative sanction that can be levied against a federal worker the man was first spoken to about his flatulence during a May 18 “performance discussion” with his supervisor. He was informed that fellow employees had complained about his flatulence, and that it was “the reason none of them were willing to assist you with your work.” The supervisor referred the employee to a SSA unit for “assistance with what could have been a medical problem that was affecting everyone in the module.”

Two months later, on July 17, a second SSA manager spoke with the man “in regards of your releasing of bodily gas in the module during work hours.” The manager asked the employee if he could “make it to the restroom before releasing the awful and unpleasant odour.” She also recounted what appeared to be a prior conversation during which the worker suggested that he would “turn your fan on when it happens.” The manager recounted advising him that, “turning on the fan would cause the smell to spread and worsen the air quality in the module.” On August 14, a third administrator - a SSA “Deputy Division Director” - spoke with the worker about his “continuous releasing of your bodily gas and the terrible smell that comes with the gas.” The manager noted that the worker had said he was lactose intolerant and planned to purchase Gas-X, an over-the-counter remedy. The manager informed the employee that he “could not pass gas indefinitely and continue to disrupt the work place.”

Despite these repeated warnings, the man apparently continued to struggle with his flatulence throughout the late-summer and fall. After stating that, “It is my belief that you can control this condition,” the author of the reprimand letter then noted, “The following dates show the time of your flatulence.” What followed was a log listing 17 separate dates (and 60 specific times) on which the employee passed gas. For example, the man’s September 19 output included nine instances of flatulence, beginning at 9:45 AM and concluding at 4:30 PM. The man was also accused of launching a trio of attacks on September 11. The letter’s author wrote that the employee’s conduct had been “discourteous, disrespectful, and entirely inappropriate,” and was worthy of a formal sanction, which is placed in a worker’s personnel files for up to one year. The reprimand, the manager noted, “is the least severe penalty available to impress upon you the seriousness of your actions and is necessary to deter future misconduct.”
The link says that the is picture is of him and his wife (and Pepe LePew !)
I'm just wondering which person is the wife.
the one in the middle
Tax dollars @work
This guy sounds like a jackass who thinks he can't be fired for stinking up the workplace by claiming a "medical condition." I feel bad for the folks who had to document each violation. Phew!
If someone has gas that bad they should be sent home and be made to stay there. Seems if the guy is able to work however, he cannot be told to not be at work. Not everyone is perfect with sh*t that don't stink. Maybe the office workers should have thought about stronger air freshener for their office to control Mr. Gas's odors and possibly their own as well, and given their co worker a nickname of pepe lepew and been nicer to him. It is more disrespectful to see such arrogant inconsiderant adults acting as children shunning someone for gas which is a form of bullying and harrassment in itself in the workplace.
His supervisor needs to be informed that her "belief" of his ability to control his flatulence is, in fact, irrelevant, unless she is a medical professional who has examined him officially. His best bet would be to discuss the situation with a physician and, if indeed it isn't controllable, get documentation to that effect. Then, the supervisor will pretty much have to shut the hell up about this. That this is even an issue is unbelievable, this is what our bureaucrats waste our money and time on? Might be time to get rid of the supervisor, given that if she has time for this, she must not actually do much at the office.
hmm, I think he has bigger hooters than the wife. Maybe she is into dutch ovens. At any rate, in order to avoid a lawsuit, they need to be politically correct and treat the condition as a physical handicap and therefore accommodate it with a workplace environment adjustment. Since turning on the fan "makes it worse", they need to install an overhead desk fan and vent to the outside. Much cheaper and less time-consuming than defending a lawsuit.
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Thanks for writing this! It’s exactly how I feel about it! It’s extremely annoying how so many people cheat just to make themselves “look good” .
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