Sunday, June 30, 2013

Man who peed in wrong house and left beer in washing machine detained with brass elephant

A suspected burglar allegedly caught urinating in a Ballard home is in custody after the resident clubbed him with a pot and held him prisoner with a brass elephant statuette.

According to Seattle police, the drunk 21-year-old left a mostly empty 18 pack of beer in the 59-year-old woman’s washing machine shortly before she bludgeoned the man with a piece of pottery. Police contend the young man also urinated in the basement of the home. Shortly before 4am, a family friend discovered the man urinating in a corner in the basement of the home.

The five remaining cans in an 18 pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer were found in the washing machine. The family friend dragged the man up to the ground floor of the home, where the homeowner and her son pounced upon him. During the tussle that followed, the woman bashed the young man in the head with a piece of pottery before calling 911.

She told dispatchers she had armed herself “with a brass elephant,” and was holding the suspect at bay. Arrested at the home, the 21-year-old later told police he thought he was in his own home, according to the police statement. The suspect then complained that he’d injured his ankle during the incident, and was taken to Harborview for treatment.


Anonymous said...

"Man who peed in wrong house and left beer in washing machine detained with brass elephant"

You know, I would have bet some serious money that I would never in my life see a headline with that text.


Anonymous said...

Since when is a brass elephant a "piece of pottery"?