She immediately called Mr Law who attended with a friend and took a picture of the sign before calling police. Mrs Law was then arrested by police the following day and held in the cells to be interviewed. She admitted she knew it had been in full view of the street - and told police “that’s why it was there”. Fiscal depute Nicola Gillespie told Forfar Sheriff Court: “The relationship broke down in January 2013. On the date in question at 11pm a female friend of Mr Law passed the property and saw a sign in the cottage’s window and was concerned about it and immediately contacted Mr Law.
“He attended and saw the sign, placed beside a loofah in the window. Mr Law was disgusted by the sign and was very concerned that this was in a public area and took a photo of it before contacting police. Officers attended in the morning and found the sign had been taken down. She was detained and taken to Arbroath Police Station where she was interviewed and admitted placing the sign in the window.” Law, of Eastmills Brae Cottages, Brechin, pleaded guilty to breaching the peace on June 3 this year.

Michael Boyd, defending, urged a sheriff to grant Law an absolute discharge - meaning she wouldn’t have a criminal record - so she could return to serving on the Brechin community council. Sheriff Kevin Veal rejected Mr Boyd’s plea to let Law off - and deferred sentence until next month for background reports. He said: “I have to say that when I considered the narration from the Crown I was not convinced that this is the kind of charge that would be suitable for an absolute discharge. I suspect there may be other issues to be addressed and I would like a social work report before sentencing.”
FINALLY! something to do with Arbroath!!!!
i'm laughing so hard right now
That's exactly what I was going to say! :)
Arbroath: Out of interest, do you have a "suggestion box" as such? It may not be to your taste, but just in terms of sheer "eh?" may I present: http://youtu.be/Of2HU3LGdbo a cat dressed as a shark, riding a roomba, pursuing a duck. As you do.
Darn. Tjhom and Ratz beat me to it. Something to do with Arbroath, after all.
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