Police were called at around 3:30pm after a resident reported seeing what she thought was an "alligator" in a chicken coop. When police and animal control arrived, they found a monitor lizard that had killed one chicken and was attempting to kill others,” police Lt. Michael T. Finkelstein said.

“Based on information we’ve gathered on them and the proximity to other people, the officer decided he was going to have to shoot the lizard to control the situation. Due to the further risk to live stock, domestic animals, and human life, the officer was forced to use a firearm to mitigate the threat."
Police said this is not the first time that there were reports of a monitor lizard. There have been "consistent sightings" of the animal in the eastern part of town, police said. Residents cannot own monitor lizards in Connecticut. The reptile is "extremely dangerous" and people should not have them as pets, according to police.
There's an audio interview with Lieutenant Finkelstein on this page.
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