Monday, August 19, 2013

Woman asks TV show if she can shoot owl that is killing her kittens

Sara, who lives south of Hutchinson, Kansas, has a problem. A large owl stalks her property and kills her kittens. She recently contacted the Good Question programme on KAKE-TV in Wichita to enquire if she can shoot the owl, or if the bird is protected.

She also sent them video of the owl in action.They contacted Ken Lockwood of the Eagle Valley Raptor Center. He is an expert on birds of prey. He identified the owl as a Great Horned Owl, a protected bird.

He says Sara could apply for what’s called a “depredation permit.” It costs a fee and may or may not be granted. If it is, she could kill the owl. But Lockwood says there’s another option that will not only save her kittens, but also save the owl.

YouTube link.

Simply remove the food. He says keep the kitten food inside for five to 10 days and the owl should move on. It’s only there because the food is available. However, if that’s not an option, Lockwood suggests contacting the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.

You can see the full Good Question report here.


majroj said...

By "kitten food", are they referring to the kittens' food, or the kittens AS food?

arbroath said...

I was unsure about that also.

So I'm afraid I don't know the answer, Majroj.

Dunex said...

Obvious solution is obvious