Friday, September 13, 2013

Man suffered frostbite to his feet after spraying sweaty socks and shoes with deodorant

Plastic surgeons have told how they treated a Scottish man for horrific frostbite burns to his feet – caused by a can of underarm deodorant.

The 43-year-old victim soaked his sweaty socks and shoes with the spray before going shopping in his home city of Dundee. Within hours, he was in agony. And when he looked at his feet, he was horrified to see the skin was falling off and parts were turning black.

Deodorant cools very rapidly when sprayed on to the skin, from 25C to -15C. It’s not a problem when it’s sprayed briefly on to the skin in open air, but it can cause injuries similar to deep frostbite if it’s in contact with the skin for a long time. The Dundee victim was rushed to Ninewells Hospital, where he was treated by a team led by consultant plastic surgeon Stuart Waterson.

Mr Waterson has sent details of the case to a medical magazine – and hopes it will serve as a warning. He said: “The dangers associated with the use of deodorants are not widely known. Perhaps warnings should be in place to advise its use on open areas and not allow soaking of the chemical on fabric.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I call bullsh*t. Yes, frostbite can be caused by spray deodorants, but when it is sprayed directly on the skin. If his shoes and socks were that cold, they would have been frozen when he tried to put them on. Also, even if they were frozen solid and he still managed to get them in, they would have thawed long before causing that much damage. I'm betting this guy sprayed his feet, not socks and shoes.